Do you want to rent out your home through Bungalow Park Strandslag?

We have listed a number of reasons for you why it is best to rent out your home through Bungalow Park Strandslag

1 We manage the reception of Bungalow Park Strandslag
2 Extra income if you do not use it yourself
3 You determine the period that you want to rent out
4 Extensive photo report and description on our website
5 Professional rental package for all reservations
6 Contact with the tenant, before - during and after the stay
7 Complete the entire administration
8 Control the property from start to finish
9 Also rental of houses at various other parks
10 In addition to key management, we are also available for questions from the guests
11 Maintenance of the garden and the house

In order to achieve a high occupancy rate, we work together with renowned domestic and foreign tour operators.
As a result, you are not dependent on one rental organization, but you benefit from the success of various, powerful parties.

Contact us without obligation and ask about the possibilities to successfully rent out your accommodation at the park.

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